UCSD has implemented a safer, cleaner, greener technology that is cost-effective and easy to use, positioning UCSD as a global leader for laboratory safety and sustainability.

Contacts: Professor Seth Cohen
Organisation: University of California San Diego
Department: Chemistry
Country: USA
Product: Findenser
Case Study No: CS1034
The University of California has publicly committed to improving laboratory safety through the implementation of best safety practices at every UC research facility. Traditional chemistry methods call for the use of water condensers that may leak when hose lines pop off during overnight or unattended reactions. UCSD Chemistry Department Safety Officer Steve George estimates total flood damages in one building alone to be “in the millions of dollars.”
When Dr. Cohen was introduced to Findenser, the world’s first super-air condenser, he knew he had solved a problem which plagued many chemistry labs: “Safety culture improvement is a high priority at UCSD and I immediately saw the opportunity to eliminate a known mishap: costly floods that result from condenser hose leaks.”
UCSD replaced over 200 water condensers with Findensers, with each researcher using 2-3 on average.
In the process, UCSD has eliminated wasteful water consumption and affirmed a campus-wide commitment to sourcing sustainable solutions where possible. Dr. Cohen sees a major benefit of Findenser as a greener alternative.
Reduction in the time it takes to set-up a reflux reaction. “The implementation of Findenser has been very smooth,” Cohen said. “We’ve seen immediate improvement by eliminating cumbersome hose connections that clutter valuable hood space, creating a safer, simpler environment in the fume hoods.”
UCSD has undertaken a campus-wide initiative to reduce energy and water consumption, and Findenser is the perfect product for drought-stricken California.